Exclusive to Border City Rock Talk; Darrell Dwarf Speaks

about many things.
In particular what?.. you might say. Well let’s just say that Darrell for one, is about to release his second book Thunder Foot : The Chronicles of a Rock N Roll Pirate Vol 1 in the near future and two; he gives us a big smile in regards to the Killer Dwarfs and plans on releasing some new music and touring.
Before you get your panties in a bunch and clink on the interview link below, get your blood flowing by listening to one of my favorite Dwarf songs of all time, Adalina.
This song from the album Start @ One is as 80’s and Canadian hard rock as anything !
There don’t you feel better now?
Below is my fireside chat with Darrell, with guest appearances by Marlowe and Jasper so get ready !!
Don’t forget to check out www.dunkspirateshop.com, www.killerdwarfsband.com, www.darrelldwarf.com for all of your Dwarf and Dunk needs.
Cheers !