
Tonight ……………………….Ozzy Osbourne

Album Diary Of a Madman

Released 1981

Ozzy Osbourne Vocals, Randy Rhoads Guitar, Bob Daisley Bass, Lee Kerslake Drums, Don Airey Keys

Having been an Ozzy fan for years, I have to say the first records Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman are my favorites. I did like some of  The Ultimate Sin and Bark at the Moon for sure, but Randy Rhoads ones are the best in my opinion. I like this song for it’s ballad and slower melody, but the kicker for me is the outro solo by Randy where he uses feedback from the amp as an actual sound note.

Talk about amazing !! I am sure I am not the only guitar player and lover that would listen to this song with headphones on and keep cranking up the sound to hear every part of that solo as it fades away.

RIP Randy !


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