Online Trolls R Forced to Eat Crow as Tucker Tynan Cleared of Accusations/No More MONKEY on HIS BACK

Ontario Hockey League Statement Below**
If you remember; not too long ago but long in the mind of Tucker Tynan, S** T*day published a story regarding rumors on Twitter that the Hounds netminder was involved in some sort of gambling and bookmaking operation.
Immediately post that article coming out and the Hounds organization confirming it was aware and looking into the allegations, the children (actually adults) came out in droves hammering on this kid and that he should not suit up and play until the league and organization finished their review. Some of the comments were pretty disturbing……..but not surprising as per the commenters.
Well kids that would have meant about 20 games roughly of experience for Tucker and months of anxiety….all for nothing.
You see; here in Canada where our freedoms are eroding quickly right now, we still have some semblance of innocent until proven guilty and since there was nothing overwhelming; Tucker continued to play; albeit under the weight he carried from the choirboys chirping.
I have been a fan of Tuckers since day one, but still called it is I saw it and I missed one thing.
I for some reason have not given much thought to the fact that this kid has been playing under duress waiting for his name to be cleared. Although he has played good and really good at times, I believe this is going to be a game changer as much as the shutout the other night.
Moving forward with no clouds over his head, we may see a very different and even more composed and calm Tynan between the Soo pipes.
If this materializes like I hope it does; it would be coming at the best possible time of the season with the playoffs just up ahead on the horizon.
This weekend the Hounds play the Windsor Spitfires twice in less than 24 hours and it will be playoff atmosphere 110%.
Go Hounds Go !!
**Toronto, Ont. – The Ontario Hockey League (OHL) received allegations of inappropriate gambling by Tucker Tynan of the Soo Greyhounds. The OHL initiated an independent investigation.
The investigation revealed no evidence that Tynan wagered on any OHL or Canadian Hockey League games or that he engaged in conduct to undermine the competitive integrity of any games.