Tanner Dickinson Was the Nucleus of the Greyhounds It Appears/Saginaw and Hounds Battle Tonight

I apologize for the short article but this is what happens when your work day starts at 8am and you hit that snooze button a few times.
Anyway, I have been thinking about why the Hounds have gone from a confident group of contenders to a group of kids playing very inconsistent and insecure hockey for months.
It just dawned me the other night that Tanner Dickinson who I thought would win the Hounds scoring title may be the piece of the puzzle the Hounds were missing. I think he was actually more pieces than just one.
He was the nucleus to this team and even though the Hounds played a bit of up and down hockey before his injury; they have been a hockey team absent of any kind of identity since his injury.
I am pressed for time this morning so I will get into the Dickinson and Hounds demise in another article.
Hounds host the Saginaw Spirit tonight and its’ obvious they need to win. They will be without another top player again tonight as per Ryan O’Rourke’s suspension for slew footing last week.
Go Hounds Go !