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Crop Circles Discovered On St Joseph Island

I am not joking and I don’t know why I happen to be the one to see them first but as God is my witness I did. I am new to the Island and happened to be walking the trail behind the Trefry Centre and low and behold when I detoured and came out at the Church…. right before my eyes there was the mystical anomaly. I took a photo as proof.

I have contacted the Federal Gov’t and they are sending a team from the University of Springfield to test for radiation and to take samples of rocks that were compromised with this alien message.

Absolute Proof of Aliens Visiting the Island ?

Anyhoo,  now that I have your attention I would like to announce that I have only been living on the island for about three weeks or so and love it so much that I will be contributing with a bi-weekly publication on this site and possibly in print where I will discuss anything….almost like Seinfeld and the show about “nothing”.

I am not stepping on the toes of the Island Clippings as I have read this publication and enjoy its’ information.; I am simply adding my touch after writing for many years for magazines etc across the country.

If you have a story, a concern, something you want to promote etc, please get a hold of me and we can discuss these things.

My articles you will find funny at times, corny, serious, and every other emotion and feeling. I don’t have a cookie cutter structure and that may be why my articles whether it is about the Soo Greyhounds or Rock Musicians have garnered me a good following over the years. You might say that I am an enigma when it comes to writing.

I guess the first thing I will touch on is the thoughts that I broached in my intro article regarding the Soo Greyhounds. By a show of hands how many Islanders think it would be a good idea to have a Greyhound Game and Grub Night ay a restaurant here on the island. As per the unpredictable weather and cost of fuel I think there is an opportunity for like minded fans to meet and socialize while watching the game. This would not only benefit the heart and spirits of the fans to meet and discuss the game and whatever else, but it would also help the businesses during the offseason.

Please let me know your thoughts via the comment section or an email or phone call/text.

On another note, I am not sure if some of you are aware but Sault Ste. Marie is hosting 5 nights of concerts at the GFL in September. Bands and artists that will be participating will be Burton Cummings, 54-40, Marianas Trench, The Trews, Paul Brandt, Owen Barney, Walk Off the Earth with special guests the MonoWhales, and the man responsible for such hits as Go For Soda, Lager and Ale, Patio Lanterns etc…..Kim Mitchell. 

I will be interviewing Kim on Monday for my Podcast and maybe …. just maybe I can get him to do a shoutout to someone on the island.

I will write more on this subject as I feel that five nights during the workweek with $70 tickets isn’t going to cut it via turnout but also for the city. Paying staff five nights and electricity etc doesn’t work in my head. On top of the this the entertainers are going to have to be paid. I would have thought that two nights on a Fri/Sat with the bands and entertainers starting at 4pm would have made more financial sense but this is just my opinion. Anyway we’ll see what happens when these shows come to fruition. I am thinking for all of the shows…..the attendance combined will be no more than 8000 which works out to about 1600 per night. Anyway this is just my opinion on the matter. Hopefully I am wrong but…………….

So to wrap up Issue 1 I would encourage you to reach out to me at [email protected], (705) 257-8678 or the comment section that I will be proactive in responding to.

Business feel free to contact me if you would like to have your ad included in the article. Click the add to the right.

I will try and write at the very least every two weeks on a Saturday but I may add an extra issue; it all depends on my schedule.

Thank for reading and enjoy your weekend.


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