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Update: New Buyers of Richard St Property Will Make An Announcement/Recipe of the Day

Announcement Will Be Coming Soon

After having a realtor friend of mine do some digging; I found out that the property block containing the Island Market, Moose Sweats, LCBO, and residential unit has not been updated via the Land Registry Office. The last entry accordingly was May 1, 2014 and was registered to an Ontario Inc. number. This is not to say the sale has not gone through… just says that for whatever reason it has not been updated. The property has been sold 100%.

I spoke with Caroline from STREETCITY Realty Inc., Brokerage and she confirmed the sale but would not divulge the new buyers without their permission as per obvious client/broker confidentiality. I can certainly understand that but I was just taking a chance. You never know. 

Anyway she said that the new buyers want to make the announcement themselves and she said just hang tight as she thinks it will happen in the near future. 

Who are these mysterious people? Are they from another planet ? Are they from the Island? I don’t know why I interested but I am ; and gaging from the hundreds of people who visited my site and read yesterdays article … are you. 

Sit tight as I am sure we will find out very very soon. 

The Heat Is On

After much deserved backlash and outcry from the public regarding the teacher that made a mockery of the classroom by wearing breast prostetics; education Minister Stephen Lecce has asked the Ontario College of Teachers to review the controversey to determine what constitutes professional conduct and what is in the best interest of the kids. 

You Think ???

It goes to show that phone calls, letters, protests, etc in a democracy do matter. If I didn’t call the school like hundreds of others, if people didn’t protest in front of the school for days; this nonsense may be solidifed in stone. Thank God common sense is still out there. 

I have attached a video of PCC member Maxime Bernier who came all the way from Quebec to speak and protest in order to protect our kids 

No we don’t have a problem with this teacher personally; we just think he needs mental health counselling and so do the idiots that defended his choice to dress up and teach in a costume when it wasn’t even during Hallowen week. Outspoken Canadian Psychologist Jordan Peterson was right on target a few years ago when he said Bill C-16 was going to be disasterous.

Recipe of the Day

Here is an easy one for you from back in the day. Do you remember the Cinnamon Spread that you put on your toast in the morning? I was trying to find it last year in the grocery stores and happened to mention to my Mother that I was disappointed  as I found out that Imperial had discontinued it. Well Paulette came to the rescue and found the recipe on FB or wherever and I swear it tastes EXACTLY the same. 

1 Cup Margarine              1/4 Cup Icing Sugar          1/4 Cup Brown Sugar        1 tbls Cinnamon                  1 tsp Cardamon

Mix and spread and have a great day. 

gio frats bd (1)

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