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Aurora BorEeee What ?

Intro to Star Gazing

I finally did it !! I finally got my lazy ass outside tonight and took my new telescope with me. 

I had purchased a solid beginners telescope about 6 weeks or so ago and after assembling it ; it sat dormant in the kitchen corner. 

There are a lot of variables that go into using one of these babies; it’s not just point, aim, and shoot. You have to make sure your target is in view and not behind trees, you have to make sure you have the right lens, you have to make sure the weather is clear, and you have to just …….do it !! : go out and try things and that is what I did. 

I saw the Waxing Gibbous moon tonight from Richards Landing and it looked too good to be true. 

After setting the tripod on the patio table it only took less than 2 minutes to move the intricate parts that control up/down (declination) and the left/right (ascension) to the right spot where I had the moon in full focus. i did see it in the view finder at the beginning so I knew I was on the right track. 

Anyway, after playing around the with dial for view intensity (optics) I finally saw the piece of rock given to us by God. It was so amazing…the energy with the universe….it’s hard to explain….but it was powerful. 

The craters were closer than the ones in the image I took off the internet (I will also be learning how to use my cell phone adapter/app to take the high quality image I saw) and it was ….man it was breathtaking to say the least. 

I believe the middle one is called Copernicus. That is my first discovery per se. 

From what I have read, the crater is named after the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus. He was also a mathematician and famously placed the sun at the centre of the universe. Before Copernicus made his jaw dropping discovery, the geocentric model had Earth at the centre.

As I listen to Art Bell on my Rumble channel Art Bell and Mysteries of the Universe  I look forward to many more eye opening experiences on clear cool fall nights.

Please follow me on this journey as I will be getting better and better with each try. 

If you are interested in starting out; I started with a Celestron OMNI AZ 120 Refractor Telescope.



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