
Thrills in the Night …………….Kiss…brought to you by Babic Delivery

Album Animalize

Released 1985

Writers Paul Stanly Jean Beauvoir 

Costumes Paul Stanley Gene (humble guy lol not !!) Simmons  Eric Carr  Mark St. John….also contributing on 4 this track was Jean Beauvoir as Gene was busy embarking on his acting career.

Hmm… if it wasn’t for Kiss; where would we be? The theatrics and paint early on were brilliant I love this song, but have to admit……the band would not have succeeded without Peter and Ace….Great band and the early songs that got them roNo description available.lling were written by Ace….just my opinion. Love this tune ???

372 thoughts on “Thrills in the Night …………….Kiss…brought to you by Babic Delivery

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