Rock News & Interviews

Hounds Should Be Quarantined Upon Return to the Soo


I hope you remember. Anyway when arrivals returning to their home country …..”for safety reasons” during the C19 bullshit, criminals like Trudeau and Theresa Tam ordered people to isolate in gov’t managed concentra…..err I mean quarantine camp hotels for 14 days so they wouldn’t give everyone the plague. I was against that garbage then and most should know by now that C19 was a huge planned event to introduce vaccines with MRNA tech and to see how far people could be pushed before they fought back. 


Oh yeah, sorry, I got off-track a bit. The point of this article is to say that since the Hounds have the best road record in the league and is better than their home record, maybe they should be put up in hotels when back in the Soo. It’s interesting how the kids play better on the road ( 18 wins) then at home. In all sports (team) 99% of the time the home record is better. Comfort of your own bed, the ability to relax etc are the primary reasons. 

What does John Dean do and say that gets the kids to perform better on the road?; your guess is as good as mine. You have to give Kyle Raftis credit as well because about 4 or 5 years ago he approached the organization and requested that they be allowed to travel and spend the night in the road hosts city before a game instead of same day travel. I think the only exception is Sudbury and maybe NB but it appears to work as the kids can settle in and get rid of the bus legs. 

Anyway; another great trip with two wins including this win in Sarnia 9-1. Eight different Hounds scored;G. Hayes, Gibson, Allard, Martin, D’Intino, Frasca, Mignosa, Fantino, & Beck. On the defensive side Landon Miller played a good game when tested. We are in good hands. 

Next up Hounds play an afternoon matinee against Erie on Sunday afternoon here in the Soo. I wish they would go back to the evening Sunday games. First of all it would improve attendance as you can’t compete with Nascar or Football and secondly a hockey game to me is during the evening during a winter storm; that’s how I like it anyway.

Go Hounds Go 


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